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Story Worksheet

Super Snake Saves The Castle

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Story: Super Snake Saves The Castle (MEDIUM)

Once upon a time, in a grand castle, lived a special snake named Sam.

Sam was not an ordinary snake.

He had superpowers! He could change his size, become invisible, and even fly.

One sunny day, Sam was slithering around the castle when he heard a loud noise.

It was a giant! The giant was trying to take the castle.

Sam knew he had to save his home.

He used his superpowers to become as big as the giant.

The giant was surprised and scared.

Sam then became invisible and flew around the giant, confusing him.

Finally, Sam used his powers to push the giant away from the castle.

The castle was safe again, thanks to Super Snake Sam! Everyone in the castle cheered for Sam.

From that day on, Sam was known as the superhero of the castle, always ready to protect his home.

Questions and Answers (12)

  • Q: Who is the superhero in the story?
  • A: Sam
  • Q: What is the name of the snake?
  • A: Sam
  • Q: Where does Sam live?
  • A: Castle
  • Q: What superpowers does Sam have?
  • A: Change size, become invisible, fly
  • Q: Who was trying to take the castle?
  • A: A giant
  • Q: How did Sam save the castle?
  • A: By using his superpowers
  • Q: What did Sam become to scare the giant?
  • A: As big as the giant
  • Q: How did Sam confuse the giant?
  • A: By becoming invisible and flying around him
  • Q: What did Sam do to push the giant away?
  • A: He pushed him away
  • Q: Was the castle safe again?
  • A: Yes
  • Q: Who cheered for Sam?
  • A: Everyone in the castle
  • Q: What was Sam known as after saving the castle?
  • A: The superhero of the castle



Subtopics: SNAKE

Settings: CASTLE

Perception: REALITY


Why is this worksheet educational?

The story "Super Snake Saves the Castle" is educational and enjoyable for children for several reasons.

Firstly, it introduces children to the concept of superheroes, which can stimulate their imagination and creativity.

They can imagine themselves as superheroes and think about what superpowers they would like to have.

Secondly, the story features a snake as the main character, which can help children learn about different types of animals and their characteristics.

Thirdly, the story is set in a castle, which can introduce children to different types of buildings and their features.

Fourthly, the story teaches children about problem-solving and bravery.

Sam uses his superpowers to solve the problem and save his home, demonstrating courage and resourcefulness.

Finally, the story conveys a positive message about protecting one's home and being recognized for one's efforts.

This can teach children about the importance of taking responsibility and being appreciated for their actions.

The questions about the story can help children improve their reading comprehension skills and recall information from the story.

They can also encourage children to think about the story and its characters in more depth.