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Story Worksheet

Super Snake Of The Sea

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Story: Super Snake Of The Sea (MEDIUM)

In the future, in a world just like ours, there was a special snake named Slinky.

Slinky was not an ordinary snake.

He had the power to breathe underwater and swim like a fish.

He lived in the vast ocean, his home full of colorful corals and amazing sea creatures.

Slinky was known as the "Super Snake of the Sea".

He was a superhero to all the creatures in the ocean.

Whenever anyone was in trouble, Slinky was there to help.

One day, a little fish named Finny got trapped in a net.

Slinky saw this and quickly swam to help.

With his strong body, he untangled the net and set Finny free.

Finny thanked Slinky and swam away happily.

Slinky felt good.

He knew he had done something great.

From that day on, Slinky continued to help his ocean friends.

He was always there, ready to lend a helping hand.

And so, Slinky, the Super Snake of the Sea, became a legend in the ocean, loved and admired by all.

Questions and Answers (6)

  • Q: What is the name of the snake?
  • A: Slinky
  • Q: What special power does Slinky have?
  • A: Breathe underwater and swim like a fish
  • Q: Where does Slinky live?
  • A: In the ocean
  • Q: Who did Slinky help one day?
  • A: Finny
  • Q: How did Slinky help Finny?
  • A: He untangled the net
  • Q: What did Slinky become in the ocean?
  • A: A legend



Subtopics: SNAKE

Settings: OCEAN

Perception: REALITY


Why is this worksheet educational?

This story is pedagogically valuable for several reasons.

Firstly, it introduces children to the concept of superheroes in a relatable and accessible way.

Superheroes are often portrayed as larger-than-life characters with extraordinary powers.

By presenting a snake as a superhero, the story makes the concept more tangible for children.

They can understand that anyone, even a snake, can be a superhero by helping others.

Secondly, the story promotes the value of kindness and helping others.

Slinky uses his powers not for personal gain, but to help his friends in the ocean.

This sends a positive message to children about the importance of helping others in need.

Thirdly, the story stimulates children's imagination.

The setting of the ocean, with its colorful corals and sea creatures, provides a rich backdrop for children's imagination.

They can visualize the underwater world and the adventures of Slinky.

Fourthly, the story is set in the future, which can spark discussions about what the future might look like.

This can encourage children to think creatively and critically about the future.

Lastly, the story is written in simple, accessible language, making it suitable for children in the target age group.

The use of repetition and rhythm helps to maintain children's attention and support their learning.

Overall, this story is a fun and educational resource that can engage children's imagination, promote positive values, and stimulate critical thinking.