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Story Worksheet

Deer At Future School

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Story: Deer At Future School (EASY)

In a future world, deer go to school.

One deer is named Bambi.

Bambi loves to learn.

He goes to school every day.

He reads books.

He writes words.

He counts numbers.

Bambi is a good deer.

He is kind to his friends.

He helps his teacher.

Bambi loves school.

He loves to learn.

He is a happy deer.

Questions and Answers (6)

  • Q: Who is the main character?
  • A: Bambi
  • Q: What does Bambi love to do?
  • A: Learn
  • Q: Where does Bambi go every day?
  • A: School
  • Q: What does Bambi read?
  • A: Books
  • Q: How is Bambi to his friends?
  • A: Kind
  • Q: What does Bambi help with?
  • A: Teacher



Subtopics: DEER

Settings: SCHOOL

Perception: FICTION


Why is this worksheet educational?

The story "Deer at Future School" is educational and enjoyable for children for several reasons.

Firstly, it introduces the concept of school, which is a familiar setting for children.

This helps them relate to the story and understand the actions of the character.

Secondly, the story uses simple, repetitive language that is easy for beginning readers to understand and follow.

This helps children build their reading skills and confidence.

Thirdly, the story introduces the character of Bambi, a deer who loves to learn.

This character serves as a positive role model for children, encouraging them to enjoy learning and to be kind to their friends.

Fourthly, the story includes elements of fantasy and imagination, with the idea of a deer going to school in the future.

This stimulates children's imaginations and encourages them to think creatively.

Finally, the story includes questions that test children's comprehension and recall of the story.

This helps children develop their reading comprehension skills, which are important for their academic success.