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Story Worksheet

City Space Mystery

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Story: City Space Mystery (MEDIUM)

In the heart of the bustling city, the Johnson family lived in a tall, grey apartment building.

One day, young Timmy Johnson noticed something strange.

Every night, a bright light would appear in the sky, right above their building.

It wasn't a star or a plane, and it certainly wasn't the moon.

It was a mystery! Timmy decided to investigate.

He told his family about the light, but they were too busy with their city lives to pay much attention.

So, Timmy took matters into his own hands.

He stayed up late, watching the light from his bedroom window.

He noticed it would appear at exactly 8:30 PM and disappear at exactly 5:30 AM.

Timmy was puzzled.

What could it be? He decided to ask his science teacher, Mrs.

Green, about it.

She suggested it might be a satellite.

Excited, Timmy researched about satellites and found out they orbit the Earth, just like the moon.

The next night, Timmy watched the light again.

This time, he noticed it moved in a circular path, just like a satellite.

He was thrilled! He had solved the mystery! The next day, he told his family about his discovery.

They were amazed and proud of Timmy.

From that day on, the Johnson family would gather every night to watch the satellite, their own little piece of space, right in the heart of the city.

Questions and Answers (6)

  • Q: What did Timmy notice in the sky every night?
  • A: A bright light
  • Q: Who did Timmy ask for help to solve the mystery?
  • A: Mrs. Green
  • Q: What time did the light appear and disappear?
  • A: At 8:30 PM and 5:30 AM
  • Q: What did Mrs. Green suggest the light might be?
  • A: A satellite
  • Q: What did Timmy discover the light to be?
  • A: A satellite
  • Q: How did the Johnson family react to Timmy's discovery?
  • A: They were amazed and proud


Topics: SPACE

Subtopics: FAMILY

Settings: CITY

Perception: REALITY


Why is this worksheet educational?

The story "City Space Mystery" is educational for several reasons.

Firstly, it introduces children to the concept of satellites and their movement, which is a fundamental part of space science.

This can spark their interest in astronomy and encourage them to learn more about the universe.

Secondly, the story promotes the value of curiosity and independent research.

Timmy's determination to solve the mystery demonstrates the importance of asking questions and seeking answers, which are key skills in scientific inquiry.

Thirdly, the story highlights the importance of communication and sharing knowledge.

Timmy's excitement in sharing his discovery with his family encourages children to share their own discoveries and learning experiences.

Fourthly, the story subtly teaches children about time, as Timmy observes the appearance and disappearance of the light at specific times.

This can help children understand the concept of time and its measurement.

Lastly, the story is set in a relatable urban environment, which can help children understand that science is not confined to laboratories or classrooms, but is a part of everyday life.

The story is also engaging and entertaining, with a mystery that keeps children interested and a satisfying resolution that leaves them feeling accomplished.

The questions following the story test children's comprehension and recall skills, further enhancing their learning experience.