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Story Worksheet

City Seasons Mystery

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Story: City Seasons Mystery (MEDIUM)

In the future city of Animville, where animals could talk, four friends - Spring the Sparrow, Summer the Squirrel, Autumn the Ant, and Winter the Whale - lived.

Each friend was named after a season and had a special power related to it.

One day, they noticed the seasons were changing randomly.

It was snowing in Summer and sunny in Winter! They decided to solve this mystery.

Spring used her power to grow plants instantly, and found a clue - a leaf that should only fall in Autumn.

Summer used her power to find nuts and seeds, and found another clue - a snowflake that should only appear in Winter.

Autumn, with her power to move earth, found a sunflower seed that should only grow in Summer.

Winter, with his power to create snow, found a blooming flower that should only appear in Spring.

They realized someone was mixing up the seasons! They followed the clues to the city center and found a mischievous monkey named Mix-Up playing with a magical weather machine.

They explained the problem and Mix-Up apologized, promising to fix the seasons.

And so, the seasons returned to normal in Animville, thanks to our four brave friends.

Questions and Answers (12)

  • Q: Who noticed the seasons were changing randomly?
  • A: The four friends
  • Q: What was Spring's special power?
  • A: To grow plants instantly
  • Q: What clue did Spring find?
  • A: A leaf
  • Q: What was Summer's special power?
  • A: To find nuts and seeds
  • Q: What clue did Summer find?
  • A: A snowflake
  • Q: What was Autumn's special power?
  • A: To move earth
  • Q: What clue did Autumn find?
  • A: A sunflower seed
  • Q: What was Winter's special power?
  • A: To create snow
  • Q: What clue did Winter find?
  • A: A blooming flower
  • Q: Who was mixing up the seasons?
  • A: Mix-Up
  • Q: Where did they find Mix-Up?
  • A: In the city center
  • Q: What did Mix-Up promise to do?
  • A: To fix the seasons



Subtopics: SEASONS

Settings: CITY

Perception: FICTION


Why is this worksheet educational?

This story is educational because it introduces children to the concept of seasons and their characteristics, which is a key part of their science curriculum.

The story also encourages problem-solving skills as the animal friends work together to solve the mystery.

The use of animals as characters makes the story relatable and engaging for children, as they often personify animals in their play.

The story also introduces the concept of responsibility and the importance of fixing one's mistakes, as seen through Mix-Up's actions.

Lastly, the story is set in the future, which can stimulate discussions about how our actions today can impact the future, encouraging children to think about sustainability and care for the environment.