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Fill in the blank Worksheet

robots at school

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Fill in the blank: Robots At School (DIFFICULT)

  • In our school, a robot named Robby is a famous _________ who sings beautifully.
    • Solution: singer
  • Robby's voice is so melodious, it makes everyone _________ with joy.
    • Solution: dance
  • During the music class, Robby _________ a song about friendship.
    • Solution: performs
  • The children love to _________ along with Robby.
    • Solution: sing
  • Robby's best friend is a little girl named _________.
    • Solution: Lily
  • She always _________ Robby's songs on her phone.
    • Solution: records
  • One day, Robby's voice _________ and he couldn't sing.
    • Solution: broke
  • The school's mechanic teacher tried to _________ Robby.
    • Solution: fix
  • He found a small _________ stuck in Robby's voice box.
    • Solution: pebble
  • After the repair, Robby _________ a thank you song for the teacher.
    • Solution: sang
  • Everyone clapped and _________ in happiness.
    • Solution: cheered
  • That day, Robby became the _________ of the school.
    • Solution: hero


Topics: ROBOTS

Subtopics: SINGER

Settings: SCHOOL

Perception: REALITY


Why is this worksheet educational?

The sentences in this worksheet are educational and enjoyable for children for several reasons.

Firstly, the story is set in a familiar environment - a school, which makes it relatable for children.

They can easily imagine a robot named Robby singing in their school, which makes the learning process more engaging.

Secondly, the story introduces children to new vocabulary words such as 'melodious', 'mechanic', and 'pebble'.

These words are not only fun to say, but they also help to expand children's vocabulary and improve their language skills.

Thirdly, the story encourages children to use their imagination.

They can visualize Robby, the singing robot, and his adventures in their school.

This stimulates their creativity and encourages them to think outside the box.

Fourthly, the story teaches children about friendship and gratitude.

Robby's friendship with Lily and his gratitude towards the mechanic teacher are positive messages that children can learn from.

Lastly, the story is a fairy tale set in the present reality.

This combination of fantasy and reality makes the story more interesting for children.

They can enjoy the magical elements of the fairy tale while still relating to the real-world setting.

This balance makes the story both entertaining and educational.