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Fill in the blank Worksheet

appreciating humans on a train

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Fill in the blank: Appreciating Humans On A Train (EASY)

  • On the train, a man gave his seat to an old lady. He was very _________.
    • Solution: kind
  • A little girl shared her _________ with a hungry boy.
    • Solution: sandwich
  • The conductor always _________ the passengers with a smile.
    • Solution: greets
  • A woman helped a man pick up his dropped _________.
    • Solution: papers
  • A boy said _________ to the lady who helped him tie his shoelaces.
    • Solution: thank
  • Everyone on the train was _________ to each other.
    • Solution: nice


Topics: HUMANS


Settings: TRAIN

Perception: REALITY


Why is this worksheet educational?

These sentences are educational and enjoyable for children for several reasons.

Firstly, they are simple and straightforward, making them easy for young readers to understand.

The words to fill in the gaps are common nouns and verbs that children are likely to be familiar with, such as 'kind', 'sandwich', 'greets', 'papers', 'thank', and 'nice'.

This makes the activity accessible and not overly challenging, which is important for maintaining children's interest and motivation.

Secondly, the sentences are set in a relatable context - a train journey.

This is a setting that many children will be familiar with, and it helps to make the learning more concrete and meaningful.

The use of a familiar setting also helps to engage children's imaginations and make the activity more enjoyable.

Thirdly, the sentences convey positive messages about human interaction and appreciation.

They show examples of kindness, sharing, greeting, helping, thanking, and being nice to each other.

These are important values that we want to instill in children, and presenting them in a fun and engaging way can help to reinforce these messages.

Fourthly, the sentences are humorous in a subtle way, which adds an element of fun to the learning.

Humour is a powerful tool for engaging children's interest and making learning enjoyable.

The unexpected actions of the characters in the sentences, such as a man giving up his seat or a little girl sharing her sandwich, can provoke laughter and delight, making the activity more enjoyable.

Finally, the sentences are designed to stimulate children's curiosity and encourage them to think.

They have to figure out the missing word based on the context, which is a valuable skill in reading comprehension.

This can also spark discussions about the actions of the characters and the values they demonstrate, further enhancing the educational value of the activity.